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We were privileged to host Roger Eaton, former Global CEO of KFC for our Members Lunch in May 2024. We welcomed 60 Members and Guests who enjoyed a delightful meal in the Ball Room at the offices of our event sponsor, Ashurst.

Roger recounted his journey from joining KFC to becoming the Global CEO, sharing challenges and lessons from becoming the “Colonel” at KFC. He elaborated on his focus areas, including strategic planning, capital allocation, team management, and effective communication.

Roger engaged in a stimulating Q&A session where he discussed his experiences with conducting business in China and the significant role of ESG in the food industry. He also shared a poignant story about a national campaign to give away free meals across the USA, a campaign where KFC collaborated with Oprah Winfrey.

We extend our gratitude to our Patrons and particularly Mark Stanbridge and Andrew Reitzer who spoke at the event.  And a big thank you to Ashurst for sponsoring the event at their splendid offices at Martin Place.  The next event will be the SA Fundie event in August 2024.  We invite you to share your feedback and suggestions to make our future gatherings even more impactful.

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